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How to Gear Level 100
Posted 6/12/15
10 posts
**Disclaimer** This is not necessarily the perfect way to gear all characters, also things do change and can be overlooked while I'm working on these. There are only a few classes that I have 'maxed' out, the rest are done mostly based on maths. The gearing choices are designed around the stats that are most important for your class/role.
I will always gear you to be well balanced, you may not reach the Mastery Cap depending on a class, but you will have good defenses that will more than make up for that. If you ever get frustrated from getting pounded on by a 2-3 mobs, this will help you. If you want to go as a 'glass-cannon' feel free to adjust gear accordingly, you will do more damage with the cost of taking quite a bit more yourself.
The goal stats listed under each class's specific gearing recommendations will be approximations. Variations will occur based on racial traits, class trait lines, as well as any different gear choices that you make.
Most classes will have a few "swap pieces", extra pieces of gear that you may want to have to help you be more flexible based on content - i.e. solo questing vs T2 raiding - which have different defensive requirements.
Some of the gear/essences can be expensive so I will try to cover down on what to use while you work on building up a full supreme character. Feel free to adjust gear as necessary to fit your play style and budget!
If you are unfamiliar with essences, please check out this wiki link.
If its yellow, read it! These are important notes on various sections that should be read.
The gearing section for each class is going to be based around the following pieces:
- Dol Amroth's four slot essence armor (Training Daily in Dol Amroth or purchase on the AH)
- Crafted three slot essence jewelry (Jewelers can make these, also very cheap on AH at 5-15g a piece)
- Epic Battle jewelry - use varies between classes based on the set bonuses
- Roving Threats two slot Pocket
- Minas Tirith one slot cloak - crafted can be used here until MT Story is complete
- First Age (FA) Legendary Items (LIs) - Crafted by any guilded crafter in Kin
- Osgilith Armor - dependent on set bonuses
Post further down has more details on how to acquire gear.
Note: Three slot crafted/bartered armor can be used as well, it is not as good as the four slot but does require less essences, a very strong choice for starting out on first 100. Ideally you will want to get up to the five slot armor from Osgilith Instances. If you decide to go with the crafted/bartered three slot armor, you will have to adjust the number of morale/mastery essences that you use.
Base stats are your 'raw' stats. These are Might, Agility, Vitality, Will and Fate. Each of these stats gives a bonus to some derivative stats listed below. Main stat - refers to Might/Agility/Will depending on if you use Heavy/Medium/Light armor respectively. This is the stat that is 'vital' for your class, followed by Vitality and Fate. Example: Hunter - uses medium armor so their main stat is agility, they do not gain much of a benefit from using might or will gear, however they do want to pay attention to vitality and some fate. The two exceptions to main stats, are Beornings and Wardens who benefit from both Might and Agility. Below is a break down of each base stat and what it gives you. (When gearing for DPS at 100, Mastery essences are superior to a Main Stat essences.)
Might - Might increases the ability to block incoming attacks with a shield and parry incoming attacks. It also increases Physical Mastery for Heavy armor classes as well as Beornings and Wardens.
- 1 Might = 3 Block Rating for any class that uses a shield (and 2H Yellow Captain/Guardian)
- 1 Might = 2 Parry Rating for every class
- 1 Might = 8 Physical Mastery for Beornings, Captains, Champions, Guardians, Wardens
- 1 Might = 8 Tactical Mastery for Captains
- 1 Might = 6 Tactical Mastery for Beornings
Agility - Agility increases the ability to evade and parry incoming attacks. Agility also increases your Critical Rating as well as Physical Mastery for Medium armor classes, Beornings, Burglars, Hunters and Wardens.
- 1 Agility = 3 Evade Rating for every class
- 1 Agility = 2 Parry Rating for every class
- 1 Agility = 1 Critical Rating for every class
- 1 Agility = 8 Physical Mastery for Burglars, Hunters and Wardens
- 1 Agility = 6 Physical Mastery for Beornings
Will - Will increases your defenses against tactical based damage sources, Resistance and Tactical Mitigation. It also increases the Tactical Mastery rating for the light armor classes.
- 1 Will = 1 Tactical Mitigation for every class
- 1 Will = 2 Resistance for every class
- 1 Will = 8 Tactical Mastery for Lore-Masters, Minstrels, Rune-Keepers
- 1 Will = 5 Tactical Mastery for all other classes
Vitality - Vitality increases your maximum Morale, Non-Combat Morale Regeneration, and Resistance Rating. Different classes get different amounts of Morale per Vitality point. At level 100, Morale Essences are vastly superior to Vitality Essences based on the morale given.
- 1 Vitality = 3 Morale for Burglars, Captains, Champions, Hunters, Lore-Masters, Minstrels, Rune-Keepers
- 1 Vitality = 5 Morale for Beornings, Guardians, Wardens
- 1 Vitality = 2 Resistance for every class
Fate - Fate increases a character's In-Combat Power Regeneration and In-Combat Morale Regeneration. Fate also increases Critical Rating for every class, due to this I consider it the 3rd most important stat for most classes.
- 1 Fate = 2.5 Critical Rating for every class
- 1 Fate = 1 Tactical Mitigation
- 1 Fate = 4 Tactical Mastery for Beornings
Armor - Armor is the last 'base stat' that I want to cover. Armor provides strong damage reduction against Physical attacks and minor defense against Tactical attacks. All classes will have quite a bit of Armor value at level 100 and this is how it applies to your mitigations.
- 1 Armor = 1 Physical Mitigation
- 1 Armor = 0.2 Tactical Mitigation
Stat Caps - Stat caps are basically a ceiling for the rating. This means that once you hit the stat cap, any rating over that will have no effect. Example: Critical Rating cap is 16,800 which is equal to 25% critical hit chance. If you were to get 17,000 critical rating, or even 25,000 critical rating, you will still be at a 25% critical hit chance.
Note: Ideally you want to gear for slightly below the stat cap, reason is to benefit the best from food, scrolls and hope buffs. Example: Anorien Warding Scrolls give 1,441 rating to each mitigation, this offers no benefit if you are already at the cap, however if you aim for around 1,000-1,500 below the cap, you will hit it perfectly with the buff. Any content that is challenging will benefit from food and scroll buffs. If the content doesn't require food/scrolls, then you will be perfectly fine despite being slightly below the cap. This applies mainly to Mitigations and Mastery
Any buffs/bonus that give rating over a stat cap will give you nothing! however, any buff that gives you a % increase will still apply! Examples of this are class trait bonuses that gives up to 5% critical hit chance. This means some classes/specs can achieve 30% base critical hit chance despite the cap being 25%.
Some stats have what is called Diminishing Returns (DR in the table below). It means that after a certain rating, you need a lot more rating to get the same percentage increase as before. Generally speaking, if a stat hits a point of diminishing returns, its not worth it to put more essences into it. Anything that gives you a % bonus will not be affected by diminishing returns.
Critical Rating16,80025%
Physical Mastery80,000200%
Tactical Mastery80,000200%
Tactical Healing66,60070%
Incoming Healing15,80025%
Critical Defense10,00050%
Block (DR at 20%)15,000 - 36,00020% - 25%
Parry (DR at 20%)15,000 - 36,00020% - 25%
Evade (DR at 20%)15,000 - 36,00020% - 25%
Physical/Tactical Mitgation
Tier 2 Mitigation Cap
Critical Rating - Critical Rating is broken into two components; your normal critical hit chance, and devastating critical hit chance. Normal critical rating is cap'd at 16,800, devastating critical chance is 10% at 14,800. Devastating critical hits do bonus damage over a normal critical hit. The bonus amount (magnitude) of your crits is determined by your rating value and can be seen directly under the "Critical Rating" on your character stat sheet. Generally this is in the 30-40% range. Now, you could stack critical rating over 16,800 to increase your critical magnitude, however this is NOT worth it, you are much better off getting more Mastery to increase your base damage and your critical hits will actually end up much higher.
Finesse - Finesse decreases a mob's chance to resist, block, parry, and evade your attacks. Tactical classes (Lore-Masters, Minstrels, and Rune-Keepers) only need to get 10,000 rating. At this rating, Tier 2 mobs will no longer resist any of your attacks. Physical classes - everyone else, need to go higher, generally around 13,000 rating you will be at a 1-2% miss rate, going much higher in finesse is really not worth it unless you like to pvmp.
Resistance - Resistance reduces the chance a character will be affected by Wound, Disease, Fear and Poison effects. What does this mean? All those stuns, weapon disarms and silences that the Half-Trolls and Easterlings in Gondor and everywhere else in game do can be resisted. If you want to avoid some of these effects, stack more resist. I generally keep Resistance gearing to just my virtues where you can still get up to 12,000-15,000 rating and with the resistance food buff, you can be at 35% or higher resistance with 0 essences invested.
Block/Parry/Evade (B/P/E) - As you can see in the chart, the difference in rating between 20% and 25% is enormous! Once you reach 20%, you only get 0.25% per additional 1,000 rating. If you are a tank, it is NOT recommended to stack these any higher than it takes to get to 20% - 15,000 rating. I usually do not socket any B/P/E essences even on a tank, and at most it will have one or two swap pieces with Evade essences in the inventory. Another key component with B/P/E is your partial B/P/E. Partial B/P/E caps at 10% (you can go way over this percent with skill buffs, such as a Warden). Partial B/P/E's decrease the damage of the attack by a certain percentage but do not completely mitigate the attack. It is a relatively insignificant amount and can only be increased by defensive relics in your Legendary Item, I generally do not worry about partial B/P/E unless you want a hardcore tank set with defensive LIs in addition to your normal set.
Mitigation - Now, you may be wondering why there are two sets of Mitigation caps in the table. With U14 they created a hidden mitigation increase for Tier 2 content. To reach your mitigation cap (40% / 50% / 60% damage reduction) for Tier 2, you need 6,750 rating over the normal Tier 1 / Landscape cap (also 40% / 50% / 60%). I generally do not gear for the Tier 2 Tactical Mitigation Cap, and only go for the full Tier 2 Physical Mitigation Cap on tanks. For most classes, you will have a piece of gear to swap for Tier 2 that will contain a few extra mitigation essences.
Virtues have a current max rank of 19. To help with the confusion of which Virtues are better than others, try to quantify them by applying the 'Rawr Rating Formula'. Treat each of the 5 virtue slots as another essence slot. To find Virtues with the best rating, compare their stats to that of a corresponding greater essence. Divide the Virtue values by that of their corresponding essence equivalent, and then add them up together to get the 'Rawr Rating' (RR) that is either less than, equal to, or greater than the value of an essence. Some stats are more desirable than others, despite having a higher RR. Following are some examples of how I use the formula, then I will cover the important virtues.
Virtues are best used for defensive stats, i.e. Resistance and Mitigations followed by Main Stat.
Example 1: Zeal gives 517 Morale, 923 Physical Mitigation and 285 Armor. A Greater Morale gives 875 Morale, and a Greater Physical Mitigation gives 2766 rating. Morale value = 517/875 = 0.59. Physical Mitigation = (923+285)/2766 = 0.44. I then add these together and see that Zeal Rank 19 is worth about 1.03 greater essences. Zeal's RR = 1.03.
Example 2: Honour gives 3278 Reistance, 923 Tactical Mitigation and 38 Vitality. A Greater Resistance gives
1875 rating, a Greater Tactical Mitigation gives 2766 rating and a Greater Vitality gives 136 Vitality. Resistance = 3278/1875 = 1.75. Tactical Mitigation = 923/2766 = 0.33. Vitality = 38/136 = 0.28. Honour's RR = 2.36. Not bad! Zeal is way overrated
Important Virtues:
- Honour - 3278 Resistance, 923 Tactical Mitigation, 38 Vitality
- Charity - 3278 Resistance, 923 Physical Mitigation, 372 NCPR
- Innocence - 1539 Physical Mitigation, 1638 Resistance, 513 Tactical Mitigation
- Tolerance - 1539 Tactical Mitigation, 114 Agility, 107 ICMR
- Fidelity - 1539 Tactical Mitigation, 76 Vitality, 56 Power
- Compassion - 1539 Physical Mitigation, 558 NCPR, 513 Tactical Mitigation
- Confidence - 3278 Resistance, 114 Will, 77 ICPR
- Wisdom - 171 Will, 115 ICPR, 984 Resistance
- Discipline - 171 Might, 1638 Resistance, 513 Physical Mitigation
- Determination - 171 Agility, 160 ICMR, 130 Morale
- Zeal - 517 Morale, 923 Physical Mitigation, 285 Armor
Honour, Charity and Innocence are probably the best three to have regardless of class/role. I use them on every character. The value of all their stats is just too good to pass up, leaving you a little bit of flexibility with the last two slots.
Each class post will have a list of Virtues in ranking of importance. The reason I compare these to essences are to correctly hit stat caps. Say you are 1500 rating short of hitting Tactical Mitigation cap, you could either slot an essence and now have wasted 1200 rating overcap, or you could use the correct virtue and now you are right on the cap with a free essence slot. This also works if you are over cap'd on a stat. You could possibly free up an essence slot by switching around virtues, letting you get more mastery or morale from proper itemization!
Stat tomes are a one time use item that passively and permanently increases that stat for a character. Stat tomes currently go from 1 to 14. At 14, you will receive a bonus of 400 to that stat. Prices for 13 and 14 are very expensive at this time as they have just been released and are quite rare, I have only been going up to 12 which gives you 320 to each stat. To fully optimize your character you will want to work on acquiring their respective stat tomes. Beornings and Wardens are special and benefit from both Might and Agility, they are the only classes that you will want to max more than one main stat tome on.
Might - Beornings, Captains, Champions, Guardians and Wardens - 2,560 Mastery at R12.
Agility - Beornings, Burglars, Hunters, Wardens - 2,560 Mastery at R12
Will - Lore-Masters, Minstrels, Rune-Keepers - 2,560 Mastery at R12
Vitality - Every Class should get Vitality Tomes, this is a free 960 -1,600 morale at R12.
Fate - Every Class should get Fate Tomes, this is a free 800 Critical Rating at R12.
If you really want to min/max your character, you need to consider how buffs will come into play. To fully optimize you will want to undershoot the cap ratings on your gear by the amount you gain from buffs. I understand that most people do not play with all the buffs available for general play, however this is designed to be the best you can be in any content that can be considered challenging - T2 Challenge Mode.
The logic behind this: if the content is so easy that it requires no buffs then its not a big deal to be 200 Crit Rating short, 1,000 Mastery short, and slightly below Mitigation caps. If the content is more challenging, generally you will use food buffs, scrolls, hope, and so forth. If you are already at the caps, you gain no benefit from any of this, these are used to top you off. The bonus to gearing this way is it can potentially open up a couple essence slots for additional stats such as more morale while still maintaining Mastery cap.
- Westemnet Edhelharn Token: +6 Hope, 558 Resistance (+5/6 Hope = 5% Morale bonus)
- Scroll of Anorien Battle Lore: 1,000 Physical Mastery, 1,000 Tactical Mastery
- Scroll of Anorien Warding Lore: 1,441 Physical Mitigation, 1,441 Tactical mitigation
- Superior Feasts of Anorien: 144 Agility, 144 Might, 144 Fate, 144 Will, 144 Vitality
- Superior Anorien Bean and Tater Soup: 4020 Resistance, +5% PDFW Resistance.
- Seven-star Stews: 620 ICPR, 851 ICMR, 12,474 NCMR, 3,630 NCPR
The total Mastery gain from Battle Lore and Superior Feasts is 2,152 and even more if you are a Warden or Beorning. This frees up two essence slots that you could now replace with more Morale, Resist, Mitigations or whatever you need, while still keeping you at the same Mastery rating. It may seem minor, but with proper use of this, you can get an extra 2,000+ Morale or Mastery while still keeping all the necessary stats at the cap.
Some classes have extra buff items such as Captains with their Crests and Hunters with their Scrolls, feel free to take these into consideration as well when gearing if you plan on using them often.
x 1
Posted 6/12/15
10 posts
There are many different parts to the Legendary Items system. They are one of the most complex weapon systems in any game. There is a rather large learning curve, however you are given total customization over your weapons. A lot of the following is designed to maximize your LI at level 100 (your forever weapons). It is not worth using crystals and scrolls on a non FA level 100 item. The following is a breakdown on the system's key components.
Several of the things covered below do change with Imbuement at 100. Please see the Imbuement section for pre and post changes. Where to aquire various modifications for LIs will be included in the 'How to Get Gear' section.
LIs gain experience and levels similar to how your character levels. The base 'level cap' for an LI is 60. This can be increased to 70 with a Scroll of Delving. For every level your LI gains, you gain a few Legendary Points, these can be spent on upgrading the items' legacies which give a bonus to various skills and ratings.
Every 10 levels that an LI gains, it has to be reforged at the Forge-Master. This gives the option to reset points you have spent on legacies as well as some additional changes depending on the reforge level. When the item is reforged at levels 10/20/30 you get to add another Legacy to the item for a total of 6 legacies, all LIs initially start with 3. At levels 40/50/60 and 70, if unlocked, you are given the option to upgrade the tier of a legacy. Once an LI is level 70 it is maxed on experience.
There are several ways to add experience to your LIs; experience from monster kills, experience from quests, and heritage runes (the fastest way to increase your LI level). Heritage runes are gained as a random drop from mobs, deconstructed LIs that had experience, or bartered from various factions. The experience requirements for LIs depends on the age of the item. A 3rd Age (TA) requires much less experience than a 2nd Age per level. A 1st Age (FA) requires the most experience.
The most important bonus that comes with the LI system are legacies. There are many different types of legacies and every class is different. Legacies can have huge benefits for your character, some examples include; Champion - 96% Critical Hit magnitude, Captain - 44% Devastating Blow damage, Burglar - 10% stealth move speed, the list goes on and on. There is a wiki link to each class and their respective legacies at the bottom of this post. A legendary item is identified with 3 random legacies and will have a total of 6 legacies once it reaches level 30. A 7th legacy can be added with a Crystal of Remembrance, these are very rare/expensive and should only be used on a level 100 FA that will not be replaced for the foreseeable future.
All legacies start with a random level tier between 1 and 6. The higher level the tier is for a legacy, the fewer legendary points are required per rank. Legacy tiers can be upgraded with Scrolls of Empowerment. This is a one time use scroll that will increase one legacy by one tier. If all legacies are upgraded to T6, you will be able to max the bonus of every legacy on your LI. If not all legacies are T6, the legendary point cost will be too great and you will have to choose which legacies to spend points on and which to skip.
There are two types of legacies, Major Legacies and Minor Legacies. A non-imbued Legendary Item will offer three Major Legacies, and three Minor Legacies. When a Crystal of Remembrance is added to the item, you can choose whether to use a Major or Minor Legacy in that slot, allowing you a potential 4 Major Legacies and 3 Minor Legacies.
Legacies can be replaced; if you do not like the legacies you randomly got on your LI while identifying and leveling it, do not worry, you will be able to swap out legacies to get ones that benefit your play style and trait tree. Major Legacies can be replaced with either another Major Legacy or a Minor Legacy. Minor Legacies can only be replaced by Minor Legacies.
Example: Say you have three Major Legacies, and you replace one of them with a Minor Legacy, you will now have two Major Legacies and four Minor Legacies on your LI. Sometimes this is desired depending on your class and the legacies offered, however, once a Major Legacy slot is 'downgraded' to a Minor Legacy, you will never be able to add an additional Major Legacy slot back and your LI will only be able to have two Major Legacies on it instead of the three that it started with. Now we will cover how you replace unwanted legacies with good ones.
The term 'burners' are used for legendary items whose sole purpose is to level up, then be deconstructed at the Relic-Master. Burners are generally going to be 3rd Age LIs (due to cost and experience needed) that will be leveled up to 30 then deconstructed. When you deconstruct a Legendary Item that is level 30 or higher, you are given the option to 'extract' one of the legacies from that item. This gives you a Legacy Replacement Scroll with that legacy that can then be placed on your main item.
Burners must be within 5 to 10 levels of the weapon you want to use the scrolls on, otherwise the legacy scroll will be too low of a level to use. Remember, extracted Major Legacies can only take the place of an existing Major Legacy on your main item, Minor Legacies can replace both Major and Minor Legacies. In addition to the extracted legacy from a burner, you will also gain several relics ranging from T1-7, crafting mats required to make LIs, and heritage runes.
Burners must be the same LI type to extract a legacy, but they do not have to be the same weapon. To replace legacies on a one-hand sword, your burners would have to be a one-handed weapon for your class within the 5-10 level range, it does not matter if it is a mace or dagger as long as its still a one-handed weapon. To replace legacies on a two-hander, your burners will need to be two-handers, and the same goes for the class item.
Example use of burner system
I just reached level 100 and its time to work on my new fancy level 100 First Age weapons. I acquire my FA weapon and FA class item and slot them into the Number 1 and Number 2 tabs on the Legendary Item Panel (shift + i). I level the items to 30 so that I can see all six legacies that they rolled with. I decide that on my one-handed sword, only two legacies are good and I want to replace the the other four. I will now acquire 4 one-handed TA weapons (sword/dagger/mace/hammer) that are between level 95-100 and slot them into tabs 3 through 6 on the LI panel. Keep using your FA as your main weapon, these other four items will just sit in your bags and gain experience while you quest. Once the four burners are level 30, I take them to the Relic-Master for deconstruction, extracting one legacy per item. I was able to get three out of the four legacies I wanted to add to my FA weapon. Right click the extracted Legacy Scrolls and replace the legacies not wanted on the FA sword. I now have five out of six of my desired legacies, so I slot four more 'burners' back into tabs 3 through 6. The reason I use another four is to help ensure I get the legacy I am looking for as fast as possible. Some legacies seem to show up less frequently and I have had to level 10+ burners to 30 before I was able to extract the last legacy being looked for. Eventually after repeating this process as many times as required, you will have all the legacies you want on your weapon. This process can be 'rushed' by using heritage runes on the burners, getting them instantly up to 30 and deconstructing them.
Some classes may end up having two different sets of Legendary Items and a Warsteed Bridle LI. This will fill up 5 of the 6 initial slots on the LI panel and you will only be able to do one burner at a time. It doesn't necessarily take any longer as all the experience now goes to that one item, you just have to visit the Relic and Forge master more often.
Star-lit Crystals are another item you can use to improve your LI. Three Star-lit Crystals can be used to a non-imbued legendary. Each crystal raises the base rank of DPS and magnitude of legacies by 1. The following legacies will not be increased by crystals:
- Cooldown Legacies
- Increased duration Legacies
- Increased damage Legacies
Two-handers and runestones come with "top stats". Top stats are three additional stats that these items roll with to balance the issue of not using a shield/offhand weapon. Not all top stats are created equal. I consider two to be mandatory for every LI regardless of class/build, they are Critical Rating and Morale. The third stat on a perfect weapon would be your main stat, followed by vitality, some classes may also prefer power here. If you cant get that perfect combo its fine as long as you try to get at least Critical Rating and Morale.
There are also 'top stats' on class items, however they are quite insignificant and can usually be ignored.
RELICS - Settings/Gems/Runes/Crafted Relics
The second most important part to using Legendary Items are the relics. I see a lot of times where people will choose Mastery relics here instead of Critical Rating. This is a mistake. A properly relic'd LI set will give you 7,200-8,200 critical rating. This is about half of what you need for Critical Rating and you haven't touched gear. You can math it out and will see that the relics that give Critical Rating offer over twice the Mastery bonus that you would get in the same spot making Critical Rating twice as good. The only spot you can not choose a relic with Critical Rating is the Rune slot, where you will usually choose Mastery.
To make the best relics, you will need to acquire large amounts of lower tier relics for melding and refining. One of the easiest ways to get relics is barter at the skirmish camp, I generally get dozens of T5's to refine into shards (Shards are required resource for melding relics into special ones) and then I barter the T9s or 10s that I need for the actual melding process. To look at all the possible relics you can use, go to a Relic-Master and click the "Melding" tab. Do not forget to scroll down below Tiers 1-10 to the special meldings.
Crafted relics require you to be max rep with a crafting guild for the best one. You will then get a recipe from the guild master to make a special item that you can barter with him for the Crafted Relic Box. To make this item you will need a Compendium of Middle-Earth, Volume V; this can be bartered from the skirmish camp or purchased on the AH.
Tanking LIs are a matter of debate. Relics are the only place in game where you can increase your Partial B/P/Es. Generally I will use normal DPS relics in a tanking weapon, with only the Legacies changing for the difference in role. If you so desire, you can make one with tanking relics, I will include a screen shot of how you would want to set it up down below.
You can use the search function at the top of the Melding page to find my recommended relics.
- True Setting of the North: 330 Morale, 1293 Critical Rating, 1616 Incoming Healing Rating
- Westemnet Setting of Endings: 7.5% Devestate Magnitude, 1454 Critical Rating, 182 ICMR
- Emerald Gem of Endurance: 28 Vitality, 1244 Critical Rating
- Emerald Gem of Dexterity: 28 Agility, 1244 Critical Rating
- Emerald Gem of Fortune: 28 Fate, 1244 Critical Rating
- True Rune of the White Mountains: 2.5% Attack Duration, 646 Mastery, 35 Agility
- Eastemnet Rune of Power: 182 Physical Mitigation, 646 Mastery, 30 Fate
- True Rune of the Dark Wood: 330 Morale, 310 power, 242 Physical Mitigation
Crafted Relic
- Westemnet Device of (X): 40 Main Stat, 740 Critical Rating, 740 Mastery
Now if you look at the LIs pictured below, you will notice two more things, the Legendary Item Title and Stat Legacies. The LI Titles that I prefer come from the Dol Amroth Barter. There are a couple of choices here, I generally pick Critical Defense (+1160) here as it lets me get 45%+ Critical Defense with only two Critical Defense essences. The other viable option is Critical Rating, these scrolls will have +400. Percentage wise these are exactly the same using the Rawr Formula in comparison to their respective essences so it comes down to personal preference and whats needed.
The Stat Legacies are also a very important tool to consider. Some classes have garbage legacies. As you can see on the Warden LIs, I chose to go with four Stat Legacies instead of ones that benefits skills as they aren't good ones. The Captain on the other hand, has many beneficial skill legacies so it is harder to get Stat Legacies on his weapon. Generally I try to get at least the Main Stat Legacy on every LI. This will give you another 340-360 Main Stat which is equal to more than 2,500 Mastery plus any other bonuses from that stat. Vitality and Fate should be the second and third stat legacies if there is room.
DPS Standard 1-Hand Set-up.................................DPS Standard 2-Hand Set-up (Notice the Top Stats)
Tank Standard 1-Hand Set-up
The imbuement process should not be done until your LI is maxed experience, and has all the chosen legacies that you want. If you are unsure if your item is ready to be imbued, please ask me in game, its better to take it slow than to imbue early and screw up the item.
Now that you have a good understanding about Legendary Items we get to Imbuement, which changes everything! Imbuement allows your Legendary Item to 'grow' with you. When the level cap increases to 105, your level 100 LI will 'grow' and still be the best weapon you could use without having to go through all that hard work again. There are some big changes that come with Imbuement and I will cover them below.
Legacies are no longer ranked Tier 1-6 or require legendary points to upgrade the bonus. Instead, each Legacy now gains experience and the overall weapon level is based on the combined level of each legacy (approx lvl 308 at full upgrade/maxed). Each legacy is tiered 1 to 28. These tiers should now be considered as more of a level then a tier as experience goes directly to leveling the legacies, increasing the bonus it gives.
The tier/level system for each legacy can be unlocked all the way up to 44 from the default of 28. This is 16 unlockable tiers per legacy, each of which requires a Scroll of Empowerment. If a legacy was higher than tier one before you imbued, then those extra tiers are considered as unlocks. Example: I upgraded all my legacies to T6 before I imbued, now my imbued legacies go from tier 1 to 34 (instead of 28). Leaving only 10 more levels to unlock. This means it doesn't matter when you apply Scrolls of Empowerment, you could get them all to T6 pre-imbuement, or do them all after. Tier 28 is roughly equal to a fully maxed legacy pre-imbuement. Once you start getting the legacy up to 30-44, you get additional gains that make imbuement bonuses very strong.
There are no longer Major or Minor legacies once you imbue, it is possible to add more 'major' type legacies post imbuement. Imbued LIs can no longer have legacies swapped out via the 'burner' method. The only way to change legacies once imbued are Imbued Legacy Replacement Scrolls or Mithril Coins. Imbued Legacy Replacement Scrolls are quest rewards from the newer Gondor zones.
Some legacies completely change from pre to post imbuement. You can preview your LI at the Forge-Master to see how your legacies will be affected with imbuement. Example: Guardians have +5 AoE Targets pre-imbuement, if they imbue that item, that legacy changes to something else and they can not get +5 AoE Targets on an imbued LI. Please check the lists of legacies at the bottom of the post, you may want to make adjustments based on what you will have after you imbue.
Imbued items can now have a total of 9 Star-lit Crystals added to them. Three can be added before you imbue, with an additional six after imbuement. All nine can be applied after you imbue. The Star-lit Crystals are how you unlock the Damage tiers/levels on your LI. The Damage gains are rather minor on a level 100 and I consider this to be one of the last priorities to polish of your LI.
Burlgar -
Captain -
Champion -
Guardian -
Hunter -
Lore-Master -
Minstrel -
Rune-Keeper -
Warden -
x 1
Posted 6/12/15
10 posts
The following are screen shots of my Warden's stats. The first picture is unbuffed, so you can see it's just short of some caps, the other is fully buffed and you see it hits many stat caps. The B/P/E section was minimized to display the Mitigations and one will never gear specifically towards B/P/E on a DPS set up. Whatever those get to from your main stats is all you will have, and they will be fine. Tanking set ups will want to focus a little on hitting 20% for all their B/P/Es whether that comes from buffs, skill buffs, or essences.
BUFFED - Used all Buffs listed under the Buffs section.
Unbuffed screen shot shows several of the stats slightly below the caps; Critical Rating, Mastery, Physical and Tactical Mitigations. On the second screen shot, Critical Rating, Physical Mastery, and Mitigations are all over-capped. This is right where you want to be, reaching the Stat Caps with buffs, otherwise you receive no benefit from using them and are limiting your character's potential.
There is more optimization that could be done with the Warden to fully min/max him. Physical Mastery is over the cap by 1,709. Now we look at essences and see that a Physical Mastery essence is 1,229. We could replace one Physical Mastery with any other essence, say more Finesse, or Morale, and still reach the 80,000 Physical Mastery cap. This is the type of flexibility you can gain by gearing with thoughts of how buffs will effect your character.
Physical Mitigation is also over the cap, this could be played out two ways. It could be left as is, as its still below the T2 Mitigation Cap. The other option since this is a DPS set up where T2 Mitigation Cap is not as necessary, Virtues could be looked at. This Warden has Charity, Honour, Confidence, Innocence, Tolerance slotted. Innocence is our Physical Mitigation virtue at 1,539 rating. We could replace Innocence with the Discipline virtue; 171 Might, 1638 Resist, 513 Physical Mitigation. This lets us keep Physical Mitigation at the cap, as well as leaving Resistance unchanged. The benefit we gain is another 1,368 Physical Master (Warden's get Mastery from Agility and Might). Now we are able to unsocket a second Physical Mastery and add a second Morale, Finesse or anything else that is lacking without having lowered any of our original stats.
Having a good understanding of the Stat Caps, Buffs, Virtues, and how everything ties together, really enables you to optimize your character. There is no one fit all recipe for the best character set up, everything has to be adjusted as gear is acquired/upgraded, virtues chosen, stat tomes added and so forth.
We wont even start on all the changes that could be made if I switched to 5-slot armor.
x 2
Posted 6/12/15
10 posts
Essences should be slotted into gear uniformly. If you are putting four Morale essences into your gear, they should all go into the same armor piece. If you are slotting in three Finesse essences, they should all go into one jewelry piece. The reason for this is ease of swapping between damage/morale/defense. Some content you may need to stack up some extra morale and/or mitigations instead of raw damage. This is completed a lot easier if your Mastery and Morale are all in the same pieces, otherwise you will need many more pieces of gear.
x 1
Posted 6/12/15
10 posts
Note: Approximate stats are completely finished gear; full supreme essence sets, agility/vitality/fate stat tomes at least to Rank 12, completed imbued LIs, etc. They do not include scroll buffs, food buffs, or hope tokens hence why some things may be slightly under such as mitigations. Some stats are subject to change as well if you decide to use different virtues, legacies, or any other variances to the below gear. Essences do not have to be placed in gear the same way as listed. Gear is designed around PvE play and your class's primary role. Please adjust things as needed to better fit your play style and goals, this is just what I consider to be a strong, balanced set up for the class.
21,000 - 22,000 Morale
17,100 Critical Rating
74,600 Physical Mastery
12,600 Finesse
10,500 Resistance
8,100 Critical Defense
17,600 Physical Mitigation
16,400 Tactical Mitigation
- Supreme Tactical Mitigation x 4
- Supreme Physical Mitigation x 1
- Supreme Finesse x 3
- Supreme Critical Rating x 2
- Supreme Critical Defense x 2
- Greater/Supreme Morale x 6
- Supreme Physical Mastery x 34
- Helm (4 Slot DA) - 4 Supreme Tactical Mitigation
- Shoulders (4 Slot DA) - 2 Supreme Critical Defense + 2 Greater/Supreme Morale
- Cloak (1 Slot MT) - 1 Supreme Physical Mitigation
- Chest (4 Slot DA) - 4 Supreme Physical Mastery
- Gloves (4 Slot DA) - 4 Supreme Physical Mastery
- Pants (4 Slot DA) - 4 Supreme Physical Mastery
- Boots (4 Slot DA) - 4 Supreme Physical Mastery
- Earring (3 Slot Craft) - 3 Supreme Physical Mastery
- Earring (3 Slot Craft) - 3 Supreme Physical Mastery
- Necklace (3 Slot Craft) - 3 Supreme Finesse
- Bracelet (3 Slot Craft) - 3 Supreme Physical Mastery
- Bracelet (3 Slot Craft) - 3 Supreme Physical Mastery
- Ring (3 Slot Craft) - 3 Supreme Physical Mastery
- Ring (3 Slot Craft) - 3 Supreme Physical Mastery
- Pocket (2 Slot RT) - 2 Supreme Critical Rating
- Boots (4 Slot DA) - 4 Greater/Supreme Morales
Anorien Xxxxx Signal
Greater Dextrous Dagger/Mace of Penetration
Honour - 3278 Resistance, 923 Tactical Mitigation, 38 Vitality
Charity - 3278 Resistance, 923 Physical Mitigation, 372 NCPR
Innocence - 1539 Physical Mitigation, 1638 Resistance, 513 Tactical Mitigation
Tolerance - 1539 Tactical Mitigation, 114 Agility, 107 ICMR
Determination - 171 Agility, 160 ICMR, 130 Morale
Agility Stat Legacy
Vitality Stat Legacy (Optional)
Burglar Bag
Agility Stat Legacy
Vitality Stat Legacy (Optional)
Relics for both weapons
True Setting of the North: 330 Morale, 1293 Critical Rating, 1616 Incoming Healing Rating
Emerald Gem of Dexterity: 28 Agility, 1244 Critical Rating
True Rune of the White Mountains: 2.5% Attack Duration, 646 Mastery, 35 Agility
Westemnet Device of (X): 40 Main Stat, 740 Critical Rating, 740 Mastery
LI Titles
1x Potency of Eldar Days III
1x Ardent Shield III
Agility Rank 12-14
Vitality Rank 12-14
Fate Rank 12-14
Variations include possible use of Epic Battle Jewelry or Osgiliath Armor pieces depending on set bonuses that are worth while. If you choose to go this route, you will need to adjust essences accordingly by factoring in the base stats on the new gear, and seeing where you can subtract an essence. Most of the essences you will remove will be Mastery essences, however you may be able to remove 1 Critical Rating essence and or 1 Finesse essence depending on the gear. Try to keep Critical Rating / Finesse close to the caps and adjust your Mastery Rating and Morale to balance in the gear (they will most likely be lower and this is the trade off to acquire the set bonuses)
x 1
Posted 6/12/15
10 posts
2 crit rating, 1 crit def, 3 finesse, 3 tact mit, 3 phys mit, 4 morale, 32 mastery. will be T2 Phys mit cap, Tact mit cap, 40%ish crit def, 25k+ morale, and crit rating cap 16.8k and 80k phys mastery with buffs going
morale -- 20,381 // 23,509 (Morale Swap)
crit -- 16,523
fin -- 13,723
p mast -- 73,472 // 69,663 (morale Swap)
resist -- 4,150 + 4,600 (resist/hope buff)
crit def -- 8880
pmit -- 18420
tmit -- 12789
48 Essence
4 Crit Essence
2 Finesse
2 crit def
3 Tact Mit
2 Smorale (+ 4 more for your 1 extra armor to swap for T2)
35 Spmast
(1 swap with 4 Smorale)
2 PC Osgiliath Berserker's Armour - 10% Strike Damage
2 PC Armour of the Osgiliath Storm - 10% Blade Skill Damage
Mumak-Rider's Bow - 270 Might, 216 Vitality, 72 Fate, 643 Physical Mastery
Posted 6/12/15
10 posts
Note: Approximate stats are completely finished gear; full supreme essence sets, agility/vitality/fate stat tomes at least to Rank 12, completed imbued LIs, etc. They do not include scroll buffs, food buffs, or hope tokens hence why some things may be slightly under such as mitigations. Some stats are subject to change as well if you decide to use different virtues, legacies, or any other variances to the below gear. Essences do not have to be placed in gear the same way as listed. Gear is designed around PvE play and your class's primary role. Please adjust things as needed to better fit your play style and goals, this is just what I consider to be a strong, balanced set up for the class.
22,000 Morale
17,100 Critical Rating
74,600 Physical Mastery
12,600 Finesse
10,500 Resistance
8,100 Critical Defense
16,800 Physical Mitigation
16,400 Tactical Mitigation
- Supreme Tactical Mitigation x 4
- Supreme Physical Mitigation x 1
- Supreme Finesse x 3
- Supreme Critical Rating x 2
- Supreme Critical Defense x 2
- Greater/Supreme Morale x 6
- Supreme Physical Mastery x 34
- Helm (4 Slot DA) - 4 Supreme Tactical Mitigation
- Shoulders (4 Slot DA) - 2 Supreme Critical Defense + 2 Greater/Supreme Morale
- Cloak (1 Slot MT) - 1 Supreme Physical Mitigation
- Chest (4 Slot DA) - 4 Supreme Physical Mastery
- Gloves (4 Slot DA) - 4 Supreme Physical Mastery
- Pants (4 Slot DA) - 4 Supreme Physical Mastery
- Boots (4 Slot DA) - 4 Supreme Physical Mastery
- Earring (3 Slot Craft) - 3 Supreme Physical Mastery
- Earring (3 Slot Craft) - 3 Supreme Finesse
- Necklace (3 Slot Craft) - 3 Supreme Physical Master
- Bracelet (3 Slot Craft) - 3 Supreme Physical Mastery
- Bracelet (3 Slot Craft) - 3 Supreme Physical Mastery
- Ring (3 Slot Craft) - 3 Supreme Physical Mastery
- Ring (3 Slot Craft) - 3 Supreme Physical Mastery
- Pocket (2 Slot RT) - 2 Supreme Critical Rating
- Boots (4 Slot DA) - 4 Greater/Supreme Morales
Class Item
Anorien Tome of Whisper-Draw
Greater Dexterous Dagger/Mace of Penetration
Honour - 3278 Resistance, 923 Tactical Mitigation, 38 Vitality
Charity - 3278 Resistance, 923 Physical Mitigation, 372 NCPR
Innocence - 1539 Physical Mitigation, 1638 Resistance, 513 Tactical Mitigation
Tolerance - 1539 Tactical Mitigation, 114 Agility, 107 ICMR
Determination - 171 Agility, 160 ICMR, 130 Morale
Agility Stat Legacy
Agility Stat Legacy
Vitality Stat Legacy
Fate Stat Legacy
Relics for both weapons
True Setting of the North: 330 Morale, 1293 Critical Rating, 1616 Incoming Healing Rating
Emerald Gem of Dexterity: 28 Agility, 1244 Critical Rating
True Rune of the White Mountains: 2.5% Attack Duration, 646 Mastery, 35 Agility
Westemnet Device of (X): 40 Main Stat, 740 Critical Rating, 740 Mastery
LI Titles
1x Potency of Eldar Days III
1x Keeper of Eldar Days III
Agility Rank 12-14
Vitality Rank 12-14
Fate Rank 12-14
Variations include possible use of Epic Battle Jewelry or Osgiliath Armor pieces depending on set bonuses that are worth while. If you choose to go this route, you will need to adjust essences accordingly by factoring in the base stats on the new gear, and seeing where you can subtract an essence. Most of the essences you will remove will be Mastery essences, however you may be able to remove 1 Critical Rating essence and or 1 Finesse essence depending on the gear. Try to keep Critical Rating / Finesse close to the caps and adjust your Mastery Rating and Morale to balance in the gear (they will most likely be lower and this is the trade off to acquire the set bonuses)
First Hunter's Epic Battle Jewelry (+10% Induction Bow Damage)
Replaces 1 Earring and 1 Necklace
Posted 6/12/15
10 posts
Posted 6/12/15
10 posts
Posted 6/12/15
10 posts
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