Lotro Beginner Raid Guide / Gearing Your Character (Level 115) Update 22.2
(by Rogov AKA Frooka)
The Basics
The guide for the starting raider and for gearing yourself in general!
(Will be working on converting some of the data into tables or something more convenient to watch and on how to monitor your buffs/debuffs).
Changes to the guide for update 22.2 are marked Purple.
G'day all, just a short introduction for the starting raider,
first of all we raid in a peaceful atmosphere, so don't be afraid to participate.
This is a guide for 115 capped characters (Mordor instances).
Let's begin with a short intro, I know that getting into end game is not easy and the learning curve between getting to level cap and actually knowing how to play your class is very high.
This is what happens in the game right now, people get to level cap but no one is willing to teach them or point them to the right direction unless they are in a kinship that does group content, because usually, when you join a group in world chat/LFF, the leader inspects you, and if he/she sees that you have incorrect/lacking gear he/she will not bother inviting you.
So new players that want to do new content get kind of stuck, because the general consensus is that if you join a group, the leader expects you to know what your role is and what to do in the instance, this is true for the most part, usually, but not always, before a fight the leader explains shortly what is going to happen but this is not enough for a new player, because usually the mechanics of an instance are learned by trial and error in closed doors and can be very detailed, and only with experience people learn how things work.
This is not the fault of the player, but this is how things are and I want to help to those who want to get better or want to participate in end game content and enjoy the game to the fullest but don't know how, with my gained knowledge and experience I will try to give a detailed explanation on how to get prepared and how to get there.
What I'm trying to say is that this guide is going to give you the basic skills and knowledge of end game content and prepare you for it, so you could get into groups, be effective and enjoy the game.
For now I'm not going to delve into each class in detail, but if there will be a demand for it, I will provide with it as well.
Participating in a raid requires personal commitment and the will to develop, you can't come undergeared and expect to be carried or that "it will be ok" while you have half the morale or other stats as others in the same role, come prepared, people invest a lot of time preparing themselves and want to participate, these raids are considered as End game and are not easy to complete, so please respect the invested time.
Another important issue is timing, if your raid leader has set a starting time for a raid, please come on time, some people might have a busy schedule and log into the game just for that raid, so please respect the timing factor. If you are late or not coming, please inform the raid leader so a replacement can be found.
These points are general for every group content and not just ours.
- Behave appropriately, we are all friends.
- A character at level cap with reasonable equipment, Legendary items and high virtues.
- Understanding of how your class works and it's uses, if you don't understand your class or any aspects of it, please take the time and investigate further, feel free to ask and get the info from your kinnies.
- Be willing to adapt and develop.
- Be open to take feedback and suggestions as well as to provide the leader with feedback.
- Practice your rotations on a training dummy.
- TeamSpeak/Discord is mandatory, you don't have to speak, but you do need to listen to instructions, here is a link to TeamSpeak and Discord (We use Discord now):
Optional requirements:
1. I'd highly recommend using a plugin called CombatAnalysis.
This plugin gives you a lot of information about you healing / dps / avoidances / taken damage, using the stats you get from the plugin, you will get a better understanding of your class and the stats that you need, whether to add more finesse / critical rating / get more block/parry/evade / interrupts / corruption removal / adjust your skill rotations and more.
You can install it via the link below:
Or by using the application Lotro plugin Compendium which manages your plugins via the link below:
2. For mechanics that require timed events, I'd recommend using a plugin called SuperChrono via the link bellow or via Lotro Compendium mentioned above:
These are the requirements for current gear that you need to have:
For a detailed explanation you can contact Frooka.
1. Consumables
- 3 type of foods
- Tomes of Defence (Is mandatory in tougher T2 content)
- +5% Attack damage
- Max morale scrolls
- Hope Tokens
- Mastery and mitigation scrolls
- A stack of all 4 kind of pots (Fear, Wound, poison, Disease)
Class consumables
- Hunter -> Oil / Bow chant
- Champions -> Crafted horns
- LM -> Food for pets
- Guardian -> Shield spikes
2. For mordor related instance you will need to have: (LoE -> Light of Earendil)
- Mordor landscape -> 100 LOE
- Mordor T1 instances -> 150 LOE
- Mordor T2 instances -> 200 LOE
- T2 Abyss raid -> 210 LOE
The list below will be ordered in importance / what you need to get first
The logic behind it is to get the basic and permanent stats first: virtues, stat tomes, class trait points, and only then stat working on stats.
3. Class trait points
One of most important aspects of gearing and learning a character is having enough class trait points to be viable in general.
I don't really know how to express the importance of the points, but, the more you have the more powerful you are, you will have the ability to get more skills or increase their potency.
For example: Redirect + enhancements for Blue guard and Controlled burn for yellow champion, etc. These skills are very effective and can only be gained with enough class trait points.
The cap at the moment is 89 points and it is recommended to have as many as you can get. It takes a lot of time to get all of them but it is worth it. For more information you can check the link bellow and check which points you are missing:
4. Virtues
The recommended virtues are ones that have the most mitigations:
Depends on what you need to cap your mitigations, you need to find the balance between virtues and your gear with mitigation stats (Do not overcap mitigations if you do not have to, it is recommended to have virtues with your main stat (Will ,Might , Agility if mitigations are not needed).
Virtues cap is 20, and it is very recommended to have them at cap, basically it's free stats that you get by completing deeds throughout the game.
- Tolerance ( 3281 Tact , 244 Agility )
- Fidelity ( 3281 Tact , 244 Vitality )
- Innocence ( 3281 Phys , 1096 Tact )
- Compassion ( 3281 Phys , 1096 Tact )
- Honour ( 1968 Tact , 123 Vitality )
- Zeal ( 1968 Phys , 607 Armor value , 1164 Morale )
- Mercy ( 1968 Tact , 123 Agility )
- Discipline ( 1096 Phys , 368 Might )
5. Stat tomes
Stat tomes are items that you can get in game by finishing instances / opening lootboxes / buying off the AH / Hobbit presents, that can provide with base stats (Might, Agility, Will, Fate, Vitality).
Right now you can get 18 of each and all together you can get up to 560 base stat for each of the stats.
These items are optional, but can provide with a nice bonus.
6. Required Mitigations: (some classes get mitigations in % from class skills so they will need less than the stated below)
Light -> 40%
- T1 -> 54440
- T2 -> 62160
Medium -> 50%
- T1 -> 62858
- T2 -> 70618
Heavy -> 60%
- T1 -> 70080
- T2 -> 77840
It is mandatory to have gear with at least T1 mitigations (not including glasscannon sets).
The recommended swappies to have are: Necklace, Pocket item, 2-slotted teal allegiance gear (cloak , gloves), offhand weapon / bow if your class has it.
7. Finesse (Your ability to penetrate your opponent defences)
- RK / Melee classes -> 105-115k finesse (RK/warden -> Bleeds may disappear, therefore they high finesse)
- Hunter -> 90-95k
- Guardian / captain -> 13-15% finesse
- LM -> 150-170k
- Healers don't need finesse (Unless they are required to remove corruptions) in that case a few swappies for increased finesse rating, for roughly 65k)
8. Critical rating
Healers / damaging classes.
I'd recommend going for at least 60k although capping critical rating is highly recommended, cap is 71000 (25%, every class has +5% from trait trees).
Agility classes get critical rating from their main stat, so you get it easier,
You should be able to cap critical rating with ease.
If you are in a group with a red Captain, you can lower your critical rating to 60k, since the Captain provides with 10k from his buffs.
9. Morale
Morale for the various roles (Unbuffed)
- Ranged damage -> 55k
- Melee damage -> 65k
- Support -> (Healers/LM/Beorning/Burg) -> 85k
- Tanks -> (Warden/Guardian) 135k/Cappy -> 160k
10. Mastery
After sorting mitigation, critical rating, finesse and morale everything else goes for mastery.
A good build will have roughly 185k mastery.
That said, it is recommended for dps characters to have a "Glasscannon" swappies (mainly for fights where you don't need certain mitigations, you don't want to cap tactical mitigation in a fight with no tactical damage received so it is more efficient to add mastery, or morale if mastery is already capped).
Glasscannon builds should have their mastery as close to cap as possible. (cap is at 400% -> 222750 mastery) .
Damage to enemies can vary a lot, since it might be affected by the buffs from other players, but in general, If you use combat Analysis and monitor your outgoing damage, try aiming for at least 30k-35k DPS (Damage per second).
11. Outgoing healing (healers)
Healing 115 gear should give you enough outgoing healing rating (cap is at 70%), that said, I'd recommend investing into critical rating instead of outgoing healing essences, having Mordor relics with 78/96/125(Future note: change to new stats) healing rating is highly recommended (see below).
In raids it is crucial for the healers to stay alive, so after getting some crit rating and mits, get your morale as high as possible, so if the tank loses aggro and goes for you (since healing skills generate aggro also), you will have higher chances of survival, until the tank gets his aggro back, your primary healing targets are Tanks and support classes, damaging classes keep themselves alive through the Captains Revealing Mark if a captain with Revealing Mark is present.
(cap of outgoing healing is at 70%, increasing your outgoing healing does not affect your heals or you character in general as much as capping your critical rating and increasing morale, but if you feel like your heals are not strong enough, try balancing it between outgoing healing and morale essences )
If you use combat Analysis and monitor your healing, try aiming for at least 25k-30k HPS (heal per second) although it may vary between 3/6/12 sized instances.
12. Tanks
Two options for gearing:
- Morale build, which is just stacking morale as high as possible while maintaining acceptable bpe and finesse (recommended).
- BPE build, which means capping/overcapping your block/parry/evade rating (effective when you are tanking a lot of mobs).
It is recommended to have gear with incoming healing (2-4 essences) and gear with morale essences swappies for fights without a healer.
For both cases you will need to have 60% critical defence, which you get from the gear.
A recommended stat for Finesse is 65k (Guard needs it so War chant will not be missed and for removing corruption with Sting, Cappy needs it so gaining aggro with Grave wound will not be resisted).
Class roles: (AOE -> Area Of Effect, ST -> Single Target, CC -> Crowd Control)
- Champion -> AOE, ST, Off tank.
- Guardian -> Tank (Few / Lots of mobs), ST , AOE (Guard damage was dramatically increased with 22.2 patch).
- Hunter -> ST , (Having a yellow line trait tree is very recommended for Placing traps prior to engaging a fight).
- Burglar -> Debuffing / CC / ST.
- LM -> Debuffing / Antistun / CC / Off heal.
- RK-> AOE / ST / Off heal.
- Mini -> Healer / Buffs.
- Captain -> Tank(Few mobs) / Buffs / Off heal.
- Beorning -> Debuffing / Healer.
- Warden -> Tank / AOE.
The stated roles are the ones that are commonly used, so any of the classes could be used in other ways according to the involved mechanic.
For more information regarding class specific information please contact Frooka.
Legendary item relic Guide
You can get new slottable relics from a barterer in The Ruins of Dingrath.
So which runes do you need for your class/role?
Three options of runes:
- Physical mastery (Striking)
- Tactical mastery (Enchantment)
- Healing (Binding)
You can test it yourself, add the rune to your LI, and see if it affects the damage/healing on the tooltip of your skills.
With the introduction of the 22.2 patch, some classes will experience changes in their LI relic layout.
Healers that used 2 healing runes, will now be able to use only 1 on their class LI;
Tactical mastery classes (RK) that used 2 tactical damage runes will now be able to use only 1 rune on their weapon.
After you log to the game with a class that has healing or tactical damage runes, you will be stripped of your relics from the LIs and will receive a token for each of the runes, these tokens are bound to account and can be traded at the High Enchanter in the various Mordor/Dale hubs for an equivalent rune of healing or tactical damage (Currently you can't swap for a physical damage) or for 3500 ash, so you can barter for the physical damage rune.
If you haven't received your tokens please relog and check again;
If there has been a problem with your tokens please ask a kinnie or submit a ticket in game.
- Champion -> Physical mastery
- Guardian -> Tank - Physical mastery / Damage - Physical mastery
- Hunter -> Physical mastery (bow)
- Burglar -> Physical mastery
- LM/RK/Mini -> Healing - healing / Damage - tactical mastery
- Captain -> Healing/Tank - healing / Damage - Physical mastery
- Beorning -> Healing/Tanking - healing / Damage - Physical mastery
- Warden -> Tanking - Physical mastery / Damage - Physical mastery
If I have missed any topics or want me to add anything specific or detail further, please contact Frooka or leave a comment bellow, so this guide will be as up to date as possible, thank you very much! :)
Feel free to leave feedback or ask for more information in the comment section below!
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