title 0
1) Read about your class changes, These will affect *everyone*
2) Make sure you cash in your bounders tokens On sunday the latest. From lotro twitter feed:
"Be sure to use your Bounders Bounty Tokens before 6AM Eastern time (-5 GMT) on Monday. Otherwise, they'll be converted to Marks."
3) Read for all the things that will change with Helms Deep:
Helms Deep is coming on Monday ;)
2) Make sure you cash in your bounders tokens On sunday the latest. From lotro twitter feed:
"Be sure to use your Bounders Bounty Tokens before 6AM Eastern time (-5 GMT) on Monday. Otherwise, they'll be converted to Marks."
3) Read for all the things that will change with Helms Deep:
Helms Deep is coming on Monday ;)
To play music:
- you have to be in music mode: load your instrument in your third weapon slot and right click it or right click your portrait and select "play music" from the menu. Alternatively, you can type /music to enter music mode. You will now carry your instrument.
- The commands to playing music in LOTRO are to be typed in the chat box:
- for solo play: /play (name of file)
e.g. /play Concerning_Hobbits-lute will play the file "Concerning_Hobbits-lute.abc" located in the "my documents/lord of the rings online/music" folder. No need to type the ".abc" extension! Play will start immediately.
- for playing together: You need to be in a fellowship and type: /play (name of file) sync
You will have to wait until all players have loaded their files. Start synchronized play after all have loaded their files with the command /playstart
e.g. /play Into_the_West sync, and after all players have loaded their files, type: /playstart. This will result in a group performance, playing the file Into_the_West.abc from your "my documents/lord of the rings online/music" folder.
/joinchannel globallff
/leavechannel globallff
/leavechannel UNA
/leavechannel globallff
/leavechannel UNA

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